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发布时间:2023-12-02 12:46 作者:[db:作者] 点击: 【 字体:


发布日期:2023-11-29 18:50:33

Jiaying's BlogThe Tears of Ni Ni and Liu Hao in front of Zhang Yimou: A Touching Moment

Recently, Chinese actress Ni Ni and her co-star Liu Hao made headlines for their emotional breakdown in front of famous director Zhang Yimou during the filming of their upcoming movie. The footage of the scene, which showed both actors holding each other and crying uncontr(用于保护国家秘密信息的密码是什么?核心密码;普通密码,用于保护国家秘密信息的密码是核心密码和普通密码。《密码法》第七条规定,核心密码、普通密码用于保护国家秘密信息,核心密码保护信息的最高密级为绝密级,普通密码保护信息的最高密级为机密级。)ollably, quickly went viral and melted the hearts of many netizens. But why did this happen? And what does it say about the power of true emotions in the art of filmmaking?

The reason behind Ni Ni and Liu Hao's tears is still unknown, but some speculate that it might have to do with the intense and emotional nature of the scene they were filming. However, regardless of the context, their vulnerability and raw emotions touched a nerve with the audience, who could relate to their pain and connect with their humanity. As one netizen commented,
