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阅读的好处英语作文 1

I think reading is important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading. Firstly reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the world affairs without going out.


Secondly reading is a good way to improve reading and writing skills. Before you learn to write you must know how others write. Thirdly reading can broaden our knowledge and horizon which is important to job hunting in the future.


The sunshine on afternoons and Sundays is always so warm, without the piercing coldness of the rising sun or the scorching heat of noon. My cabin is filled with warm sunshine, pouring one by one onto my desk, balcony, bed, floor, and even my heart. I picked out my favorite essay and sat on the floor to read it again. Every word and sentence is the crystallization of the authors wisdom, and beautiful language is the eye of the article. The characters in the book are guiding me to explore further, and the interesting storyline has provided me with comfort and sublimation in my soul. Unconsciously, an afternoon passed and the evening arrived as scheduled. The sunset shone on the pages of the book, drawing a complete conclusion to this reading. This afternoon, I seemed to have taken a vacation, my soul shuttling through the quiet and lush bamboo forest, my soul being enriched and no longer feeling lost, confused, and uneasy.


Reading can be wise; Reading can serve as a lighthouse, guiding us along the path of life; Reading can make ones heart sink; Reading can improve ones mental health. Lets read more in our lives and add a touch of bookishness to our hearts!

阅读的好处英语作文 20


I have had a good habit since I was young - reading.


When I was over a year old, I embarked on the path of reading. Literacy cards, picture books, and even subtitles for cartoons are all ways for me to self-study Chinese characters, and I can watch them with relish for a long time.


At the age of kindergarten, the picture books at home were already half a bookshelf, but they still couldnt satisfy my appetite. I picked up a pile of picture books from the book corner during the break in kindergarten to read. The teacher thought I was too small to look at so much, so I wanted to put the picture book that was half a person high in my hand back on the bookshelf. With flexibility, I bypassed her and sat down straight to read. Not only was it fast, but it was also serious. Often, even the teachers call to class seemed unheard of.


Entering elementary school, I still maintain the good habit of reading. After setting up a book corner in the class, I was constantly thinking about the books that had not yet been borrowed, to the point where I couldnt sleep or eat well. Finally, on the day of the opening, I jumped to the bookshelf door with the advantage of fast speed after class, hurriedly grabbed a book, and began reading eagerly.


Every day, as I read books specially selected by my homeroom teacher, my love for books became even stronger, even extending to class time. However, our homeroom teacher, who understood my love for books, sighed and opened the back door for me. But I still felt a sense of helplessness from the teachers sigh. Looking at the "Young Pioneer Rules" pasted on the wall and the red scarf worn by the desk mate. "I am a Young Pioneer, how can I be distracted in class and read extracurricular books?" he said with a hint of remorse in his heart


After this incident, my enthusiasm for reading did not diminish at all, but I understood the importance of reading at the right time and place. The book taught me a lot, including perseverance, hope, strength, self, and so on. But what I love the most is the peace that books bring me.


Reading is like savoring a cup of tea. The tea party has a bitter and fragrant aroma, just like I feel the joys and sorrows of the characters in the book. Reading is like drinking tea, it can relax your emotions, purify your soul. As long as you understand the book, you will enter a peaceful and distant world, like a cup of good tea, waiting for your careful taste.

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Gorky once said, "Books are the ladder of human progress," and reading is a necessary path to enter the kingdom of books. On this path, there are surprises, joys, sorrows, and sorrows. These experiences not only originate from the stories in books, but also reflect the true stories that happen outside of reading.


I remember one time, I was focused on watching J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter. As I was reading eagerly, I suddenly felt a slight soreness in my neck, so I held a book and leaned onto the bed. However, after a while, when I read about Harrys battle with Voldemorts henchmen, I was extremely excited. Following Harrys example in the text, I forcefully tugged at the pillow, but due to excessive force, it flew out. Coincidentally, the pillow hit my mother who was cleaning her head without any bias. Immersed in the world of books, I didnt feel anything at all, and this scene happened to be seen by my father passing by the door of the room. "Hahaha..." Dads malicious laughter pulled me back from the world of Harry Potter. Looking at my mothers appearance, I couldnt help but laugh with my father. Watching us laughing back and forth, my mother didnt get angry this time. She pointed at us and laughed heartily. Laughter echoed in the room, echoing for a long time without dissipating


Another time, I was just starting to do my homework. At this moment, a mothers sentence came from the living room: "Son, your new book has arrived, come and help me pick it up!" I quickly ran out of the room, picked up a book, and couldnt wait to read it. I dont know how long it took, but I looked up at the clock and, um, it was only six oclock. I continued to look. It wasnt until my mother asked me if I had finished my homework that I suddenly looked up. However, the time displayed on the clock was only six oclock, and I was stunned for a moment before suddenly realizing that the clock had run out of battery! But my homework is still eagerly waiting for me to complete! I had no choice but to pick up my pen again and continue doing my homework. I had to stay up late again at night


There are countless interesting things caused by reading like this, both happy and sad, but it still makes me unable to stop reading.

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Reading has been my good friend since childhood. Reading always relaxes my mind and body, and I also learn a lot of knowledge that cannot be learned in textbooks. It also makes my troubles disappear into the air. Therefore, reading and I are always inseparable.


I remember when I was a child, my parents often read stories to me before bedtime, so I always looked forward to what kind of stories would be in the evening. As I grew up, I became able to read books on my own and my love for reading deepened. The school library became a must visit place for me every week. When I am sad, reading always brings me a joyful mood; When I encounter difficulties, reading relevant books can help me find ways to solve them. In summary, there are many benefits to reading, just like the countless stars in the sky, which also deepens the friendship between reading and me.


As the saying goes, "learning is boundless". Knowledge is endless, and reading more can bring us a lot of knowledge. Sometimes, I also borrow books about natural sciences and history, combined with nature and Chinese textbooks, to help me learn. Reading is like my little teacher, allowing me to learn more rich and interesting knowledge. I love reading novels the most, always immersed in the authors writing, exploring the essence of love and hate, and sometimes experiencing the purification of heartbreak and sadness; After a while, I feel the radiance and warmth of family affection, and the ups and downs of my mood always change with the plot of the story, making me increasingly fond of reading.


Reading is a beautiful and joyful thing. Through it, I can explore the sea of books and get to know famous people from ancient and modern times; It is possible to learn about strange stories; Can appreciate the beautiful scenery in the book; May question the parts that are not understood; You can get to know many unprecedented creatures. As the saying goes, "There is a golden house in books, and beauty is like jade in books." Reading makes my life more fulfilling, enriches my experience, and broadens my horizons. Let us ride the wings of reading, explore the sky of knowledge, and see a different world!

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The famous writer Gorky once said that books are the ladder of human progress. In my youth, my experience of reading was like an endless and turbulent sea. Reading is an indispensable part of my life, making my childhood rich and colorful.


My earliest reading was the "Cute Little Mouse" series of picture books when I was three years old. At that time, my mother would tell me a bedtime story every night, and my favorite was "Little Mouse, Little Mouse". At that time, although I had only a partial understanding, I still listened with great interest. With the improvement of my literacy ability, I was able to pick up a book called "Little Mouses" Vest and read it carefully on my own. The beautiful pictures on each page fascinated me, and this set of picture books also gave me the initial pleasure of reading.


Later on, this simple picture book could no longer meet my spiritual needs. So my mother opened up a "Xintiandi" for me, that is, a storybook. I first got a subscription of childrens pictorials, all kinds of novel stories, and life tricks. I was overwhelmed. I often stay in the room for hours and get lost in it.


Lets join hands and swim freely in the sea of books, experiencing the refreshing book fragrance emanating from the pages of text!

阅读的好处英语作文 24


Reading has become an essential part of peoples lives. It is said that reading ten thousand books is better than traveling ten thousand miles, but among the vast sea of extracurricular books, there are always good and bad books flowing into the market and the internet. This requires us to have an extra pair of wise eyes, read good books selectively, and never "lean towards tiger mountain travel knowing that there are tigers in the mountains.". Below, I will talk about my views on reading.


Firstly, I believe that reading is necessary. The ancients said that opening a book is beneficial, which tells us that reading has many benefits. In my opinion, reading a good book is like making friends, it is a dialogue between souls; Its like hiking, enriching our knowledge, cultivating our character, and allowing us to no longer be limited to a small part of the world. Reading is also a necessary foundation for innovation and invention. People gained enlightenment from the experiences of ancient people, combined with their own imagination and efforts, thus promoting the development and progress of society. Reading can also make people happy and enhance their resilience.


However, some books cannot be read either. These books are all about dirty and vulgar language, trying to catch people off guard. Many students do not make a choice when reading, preferring martial arts, romance, and even pornographic books and magazines. May I ask, what benefits will there be after reading these books? As British novelist Fielding once said, "Even bad books are like bad friends, they may harm you." Therefore, we should read martial arts and romance novels with moderation and selectivity, and resist pornographic books and magazines. We must never read them. Although there are various types of books on the market and online today, as long as we have the ability to distinguish, we can definitely seek benefits and avoid harm. Of course, denying all books with one stick is also wrong. I believe that reading books is still essential. With the help of parents or recommendations from experts, one can choose a book they like to read.


Additionally, I believe that reading is also a personalized behavior, with a thousand readers having a thousand Hamlets. We should all learn about ourselves and the world through books, harvest our own spiritual nourishment, and become constantly improving individuals.

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Reading can enable us to acquire knowledge and also shock our hearts. Through reading, we can not only understand the principles of the worlds operation, but also elevate the knowledge we gain from it. I would like to introduce a book that has made me realize that life does not stay in the world, but can extend endlessly. Its name is: Life.


"Flowers bloom and fall, raindrops stop. The flowers that fall this year exchange their withered lives for a miracle of blooming; the rain that falls today does not disappear, but lives in a different form in the world." This passage leaves me puzzled. These flowers and these rains look the same, but have not changed anything, have they? I put down my book and stayed away from it for a long time.

有一天心情十分低落,我重新拾起这本知识,看到了以前的我没有看见的道理:“今年凋谢的花朵,生命终结了,但是它落下后,将它的身躯献给大地,让新的生 命可以在未来绽放;今天落下的雨滴,可能变成水气,可能汇集成河流,可能归属于大海,可能再回到天上,飘落了一片片雪花。无论在哪里,生命都会用某种形式存在,或许只是你没发现而已。”

One day, my mood was very low, and I picked up this knowledge again, Seeing the truth I didnt see before: "The withered flower this year has come to an end in its life, but when it falls, it dedicates its body to the earth, allowing new life to bloom in the future. The raindrops that fall today may turn into water vapor, merge into rivers, belong to the sea, or return to the sky, falling snowflakes. No matter where it is, life will exist in some form, perhaps its just that you havent noticed it."


I spent a whole half hour digesting this paragraph. Thats right, no matter when or where, life exists, in its own form.


Isnt the table and chairs in front of me the continuation of the life of trees? Although ink may not be as pure as before, it is still the embodiment of water! Even the chalk next to the blackboard is a mineral sleeping in the rocks. Although life may die, it can continue its value and exist in this world.


Suddenly, I realized that what I was holding in my hand was also a book of life from a different world. This book moved me more than anything in the world, and my joy was indescribable. I could only express my joy with tears.


This is my reading comprehension.

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Gorky once said: Reading is the ladder of human progress. Reading is a kind of enjoyment, a kind of happiness, and even more so, a kind of happiness. If there were no books, there would be no high-rise buildings now, no such a good living environment, let alone various modes of transportation. How important reading is!


Every day after finishing my homework, I take out my favorite book and read it with great interest. Every time I read, I feel like I have entered the world of books, with various characters appearing in front of me, such as the Apple Prince and the Black and White Bear... so books are wonderful.


In my eyes, books are also sweet, like cakes and candies. In school, I always hold a book and jump into the sea of books after class, savoring the fragrance, sweetness, and deliciousness of books.


I think books are still magical. When you are sad, pick up a book you like and it will drive away all kinds of sadness. When you are happy, take out a book you like and make your mood even happier, as if the book has been enchanted.


Books are a knowledgeable teacher, and reading more books can increase your Chinese language scores from 80 to over 90, and even more. Accumulating more extracurricular knowledge will make you better. Let books become your counselors in learning!


Lets pick up books, make them your teachers, your magicians, and find the unique joy in books!

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Bacon said, "Reading is enough to be quiet, diverse, and talented." This indicates that reading is the only way to increase knowledge.


From ancient times to the present, many famous people in the world have introduced the benefits of reading, and some scholars have said that reading a good book is like talking to a noble person.


Reading can broaden your horizons, and reading an article every day has greatly increased your knowledge. Reading not only broadens your horizons, but also increases your extracurricular knowledge. The knowledge in textbooks is not sufficient, and one must rely on reading extracurricular books on their own, so reading is enough to broaden ones horizons.


Reading can also help you relieve boredom. When you are very puzzled, you can read books and articles to help cultivate your temperament


In addition, you can also choose different books to read, such as thrilling detective novels, unforgettable love stories, history books about history... Reading science fiction novels allows you to imagine yourself as the protagonist, and then recall the scenes in the book, which is already unforgettable. Reading books about tourism is like traveling around the world


Reading not only brings joy and diversity, but also is the best way to increase knowledge. Therefore, everyone should take some time every day to read.

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I think reading is something that people look forward to. It seems to take me into the story, because whether its the length of the text or the illustrations, they will give me a deep understanding. Moreover, the text seems to have grown wings, and that feeling is really beautiful.


I really enjoy reading, and I think reading should be rewritten as "enjoyable" because only by loving reading and keeping what you see in your mind can you truly gain something. Its not just a matter of reading, its useless. I have read the Biography of Great Men and learned about their spirit and attitude; Watching the puppet inspired my imagination; Reading Snow White taught me not to trust others recklessly; Having seen the Ugly Duckling has taught me not to judge someones future appearance based on their childhood appearance.


People who enjoy reading always immerse themselves in the fun of storybooks, opening a window to my soul and making my world a better place! And I often forget what to do because of reading. I often read while doing homework, but my mother scolded me very badly; For those who dont like reading, it feels like picking up a thick book is as painful as writing a hundred math papers. The pain and frustration make me want to commit suicide. At that time, my mood was like a forest burned by a raging fire, so empty.


People who dont like reading and have a mind full of video games, like beggars, need our help; But some people, although they enjoy reading, still fall in love with video games in the end. Even if they have gained more knowledge in the past, they will still forget the joy of reading.

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Look, the jumping words, listen, the sound of flipping through pages of books. We wander in the ocean of books, listening to their beautiful melodies and exploring the endless truth.


Reading is an essential part of our lives. By reading books, we have learned many mysteries of nature; By reading books, we have gained an understanding of history and explored mysteries; By reading books, we understand how to be a person and do things.


The wind brushes through the water, leaving behind sparkling ripples; Sunshine, passing through the clouds, leaving behind a trace of warmth; Time passes through the forest, leaving behind rings of growth; And books have walked through our lives, leaving behind endless knowledge.


In the castle of books, we can fully enjoy the joy that reading brings us. It showcases the charm of the Chinese language to us with beautiful and gorgeous language. It uses sincere and touching words to help us understand the true meaning of life; Similarly, it also expresses to us the vastness and profoundness of Chinese characters through the different meanings of polyphonic characters and words.


Reading can help relax the mind, and for students who are under a lot of pressure, reading is the best choice to relax. It is like a clear spring, flowing clean and pure into your heart.


Reading can improve the level of composition. Reading more literary books can broaden our knowledge and enable us to flexibly use good words and sentences in exams, greatly improving our writing skills.


I enjoy the process of reading. I enjoy reading thrilling adventure novels because they have taught me that there is a spirit of exploration in everything I do. I also enjoy reading touching stories that bring tears to my eyes, because they teach me the true meaning of love in the world. I prefer to read some classics about history because they have helped me understand history and that falling behind means getting beaten. I also like articles with beautiful sentences because they teach me how to use rhetorical devices such as metaphors and personification to improve my writing skills.

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Since childhood, I have developed good reading habits. This good habit can help me increase my knowledge and prevent me from becoming a frog in the well.


The saying goes, "Reading is the key to unlocking the treasure trove of knowledge.". When reading, if I encounter any new words or phrases, I will find a "silent teacher" to solve the problem for me, so my vocabulary is becoming increasingly rich.


As the saying goes: A scholar who does not go out can know the worlds affairs. In my free time, I also read newspapers. Reading newspapers not only allows me to know what is happening both domestically and internationally, but also helps me to be more vigilant about things around me. There is a "Student World" in the newspaper for students to submit their articles. I can not only earn royalties from it, but also read articles written by other students, thereby improving my writing skills. Why not?


In addition, I will also read some books with illustrations and text. These books can bring me entertainment, allowing me to temporarily put away heavy homework and all my troubles. It can make me happily and easily absorb knowledge.


Due to my habit of reading, my parents often buy me various books. Whenever I have a birthday, most of the gifts I receive are books because my friends know my hobbies. Over time, my collection was filled with countless books, and there was almost no place to stand in the study room! My family calls my study a "small library".


Books are really my good companions! Friends, lets cultivate good reading habits together! It will definitely benefit you immensely.

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Reading is a good habit, and reading more can keep us up with the pace of the times and avoid deviating from the information explosion of the 21st century. Undoubtedly, reading can be said to have hundreds of benefits without any drawbacks, and we should cultivate the habit of reading from a young age.


The saying goes, "A scholar can stay at home and know the worlds affairs." Reading newspapers allows us to stay at home but gain insight into current affairs and news from around the world. Newspapers also publish some beautiful articles, allowing students to learn new knowledge from them. Moreover, the newspaper has a wide range of content, with affordable prices and excellent quality.


In addition, reading travel magazines allows us to understand the customs, taboos, and local customs of various countries, making us the best companions for travel. And health magazines provide methods for maintaining physical health and remind people of the importance of health.


Reading through thousands of volumes and writing like a god can enrich the vocabulary that students can master, improve their writing skills, and reduce the chance of encountering bottlenecks. Books are the treasure trove of knowledge that contains the most knowledge, making us knowledgeable and avoiding becoming frogs at the bottom of the well.


In their free time, students can also read books to gain additional knowledge, while adding various colors to the monotonous and uninteresting life. Searching for the golden house and beauty like jade in the sea of books is not a great enjoyment on earth? Reading encyclopedias helps students understand scientific principles and shape a scientific society.


In summary, reading does bring many benefits. Books are peoples spiritual food. Without books, it is like colorful flowers losing their sunlight. Therefore, we should read more.

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Reading is like making friends, not only beneficial as Emperor Taizong of Song said, but also interesting. Opening a book is like getting to know a good friend, resonating with them, exploring ancient, modern, and foreign cultures, and exploring the vast world together, which makes me feel refreshed and joyful.


Reading is a great static activity because it doesnt require sweating or trekking through mountains and rivers. My doubts will be swept away and my troubles will disappear without a trace. I like to stroll in the sea of books at my own pace, and the power hidden in the vast sea of books often brings me unimaginable inspiration and joy.


I read a variety of books, such as novels, natural sciences, and picture books. Among them, natural science attracts me the most. I remember when I was in kindergarten, I was crazy about falling in love with the set of books on the world of small animals. If it werent for reading, how would I know about the giant whale in the sea, like a tank car, how its massive body searches for prey in the sea? How do you know how penguins are scared out of their wits by killer whales? The most exciting scene was the Prince of the Waves - the dolphin, spinning and jumping gracefully on the sea... This book, a set of good books, makes me love them and never tire of reading them.


The famous British philosopher Bacon once said, "Knowledge is power." Reading is the foundation of knowledge, because it can broaden ones horizons, increase diverse knowledge and wisdom. I enjoy reading not only because it can broaden my horizons and teach us the principles of how to behave, but also because it can inspire my creativity and keep me curious and joyful. Lets cultivate good reading habits together, fill society with a scholarly atmosphere, and create a happy reading source.

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I dont know when I fell deeply in love with reading, making it very important in my life. I remember one time my cousin introduced me to a good book, and I am very grateful to her because since that time, I have experienced the joy and benefits of reading.


After reading that book, I would immerse myself every week in the library, which was full of books and knowledge, reading my favorite books, novels, comics, natural sciences, historical stories, and so on, In this way, you can throw away all your homework, exams, stress, worries, and extracurricular activities, and fully immerse yourself in your own fantasy world of novels.

每当看书时,总能让我原本生气的心情变得很平静很快乐,就像便魔术一样,能让我心平气和反而很投入的阅读呢!例如:每次我看我最喜欢看的书——《亚森罗宾》时,我 都很投入看,看了看,不知不觉我就变成了故事中的主角,跟着亚森罗宾一起去探险一起去旅行;一起去寻宝一起破案子;一起去环游世界,帮助人民,这样不仅增 加了我的想像空间,也增加了我的写作能力,真是一举两得啊!

Whenever I read a book, it always makes my originally angry mood calm and happy, just like magic, which can make me calm and actually immerse myself in reading! For example, every time I read my favorite book - "Arthur Robin", I get very engrossed in it. After reading it, I unknowingly become the protagonist of the story, following Arthur Robin on adventures and travels together; Go treasure hunting together and solve cases together; Traveling around the world together and helping the people not only increases my imagination, but also enhances my writing ability. Its really killing two birds with one stone!


Whenever I am angry or unhappy, the library becomes my best friend, comforting me and listening to my innermost thoughts. However, whenever I read, it makes me cheerful, not sad or crying, brave enough to stand up and lead me in the right direction, making me energized. Therefore, reading plays the most important role in my heart and cannot be ignored in life. Therefore, reading makes my life more brilliant and brilliant.

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Reading broadens our knowledge and knowledge. Gorky once said, "Books are the ladder of human progress.". Although thats the case, how many people have developed good habits of reading books.


When Kuang Heng was a child, he came from a poor family. However, due to his love for reading, he made a hole in the wall and used the dim light from the hole to read. After reading extensively, he later became an official. This story tells us that as long as people are willing to read more and read good books, they can achieve great success.


But I am a person who just wants to sleep while reading. After listening to this story, I secretly warned myself to work hard, study hard, and make a difference in the future like him.


Even if you dont have time to read, you should squeeze out some time every day to read books, accumulate knowledge bit by bit, and accumulate knowledge bit by bit. Without a few steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. I believe that as one reads for a long time, ones vision naturally broadens. No matter how capable everyone is? As long as we see our own little progress and reap the joy of success, it will slowly permeate our entire life.


Books can bring us a lot of inspiration and insights. A while ago, I read "Anne of Green Gables". The first half of the book tells us a truth: we will encounter various "uninteresting people" in life. As the saying goes, if we dont fight, we dont know each other. If we dont have social interactions, there wont be friction; But as long as there is friction, something must have happened. The latter part of the story tells us that when making a dilemma, we should be as firm as Anne, and when choosing between family and career, we should not hesitate to choose to accompany our "loved ones".


As long as you do a little bit every day, persist, and never give up, you can create miracles. Countless little things will accumulate into brilliant victories.

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Reading can increase ones knowledge; Reading can broaden ones horizons; Reading can also improve Chinese language grades


Gorky once said, "Reading is the ladder of human progress." This shows the importance of reading in peoples minds. In my opinion, reading is no longer just the word "reading". It has deeply penetrated into peoples hearts and become an essential part of my life. It accompanies me and I cannot do without it.


Reading a book is like making friends. But I believe that if you dont like this "friend", then you wont be able to comprehend or appreciate the philosophy of this book, and you wont learn knowledge from words. Only by truly loving and cherishing this "friend" can you gain something.


There are countless benefits to reading extensively, among which several are that reading can calm ones mind. Whether its the hot summer or the noisy city, as long as you can set aside everything and experience the charm of words, I believe even those who dont love reading can sink down and savor the mysteries of books.


Reading can bring a new life to people, and in conversation, it reveals politeness and extraordinary temperament. When you read a certain book, an invisible ruler will form in your heart. For example, when you are talking to people, you will unconsciously use civilized language and not use dirty words; On the subway or bus, when encountering people with limited mobility, you will voluntarily give up your seat without needing to be reminded by others; When you havent found the trash can and need to litter, you wont litter uncivilized


In short, reading will make you change a lot, you can break all the bad habits of the past, and at the same time, you will develop many good habits. So, put down your phone, computer, and glasses that youve been wearing for a long time, lets share the fun of writing together!

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Reading is a pleasure that allows us to explore the ocean of knowledge with joy and pleasure. Reading is a vast expanse of sky that broadens our horizons. Reading can immerse us in a fascinating and charming experience.


Reading can allow us to have a joyful growth in knowledge. As the saying goes, a scholar who does not go out can know the worlds affairs. As long as you read more, you will know all things in the world. In the noisy world, when feeling restless, you can find a secluded corner, calm down, read a book, let the book baptize your mood, and let your heart return to purity.


Reading can improve your quality. As the ancients said, everything is inferior, but reading is the only way to improve it. Reading is about drawing a clear line between civilization and barbarism. It will allow you to communicate with your contemporaries, inherit the spiritual heritage of the ancients, and enrich your spiritual cultivation.


Reading will give you endless knowledge and power, and you will bravely face difficulties in your own growth, understand things in the right way, and solve problems. By reading, you will discover your shortcomings and use books to steer you in the right direction. It can be said that books are our good teachers and friends.


Reading can inspire us to write and gain inspiration. It allows us to describe life more delicately, express criticism of things correctly through pronunciation, and make writing methods more appropriate.


A book is a treasure chest. It can let you absorb essence, enhance energy, broaden your vision, and make you become intelligent, open-minded, and cultivate your sentiment.


There are many benefits to reading, lets read together, classmates!

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We are learning every moment in our lives, and we have also learned a lot of knowledge and principles from reading. "Reading through ten thousand volumes, writing with a stroke of spirit." With more reading, the level of writing naturally improves.


Among so many types of books, my favorite is fairy tale books. Fairy tales are deeply loved by young people. Their beautiful sentences and special scenes always immerse us in them, making us feel novel and interesting, and receiving the influence of truth, goodness, and beauty from them. Every time I read a fairy tale book, I feel hungry and thirsty, slowly savoring the language in the book and experiencing the plot of the story.


Books are the spiritual nourishment of humanity, nourishing our body and mind, and shaping our sentiments. Shakespeare once said, "If we lack books in our lives, its like losing sunlight. Without books in wisdom, its like a bird losing its wings." Reading makes people smarter, sharper, and more capable of thinking and distinguishing right from wrong. Whether you want to become a wise and successful person, you should read more, preferably a wide range of books. Throughout history, at home and abroad, various types of books have their own characteristics, and there will always be one that attracts you and makes you unable to put it down.


Every good book you have read will be hidden in your deep mind, and in your pure eyes, it will inspire you like a guiding star towards a broader and better future.

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Many people love reading, and I am no exception. Reading history makes one wise, reading poetry makes one graceful... The benefits of reading are countless.


Reading can cultivate sentiments and enrich our minds; Reading can increase knowledge and broaden our horizons; Reading can improve our writing ability, making our thoughts flow like a spring and our writing move like a flying pen; Reading can give us wings of imagination, fly over mountains and rivers, and appreciate the world scenery... I remember Grandma Bingxin once said, "Reading is good.".


I really enjoy reading, and every time I go out with my mom, I always ask her, "Is there a bookstore here?" And my mom also tries her best to satisfy me. She often encourages me to read. As soon as I enter the bookstore, I immediately immerse myself in a dreamy world where there are sadness, joy, joy, and love... I enjoy leading the Shu Kingdom with Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, witnessing the wisdom and divine courage of the ancients; I like to play around the campus with Ma Xiaotiao, mischievous and extremely happy; I enjoy working with Sherlock Holmes to unravel mysteries and solve mysteries... Sometimes, I work with Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong to capture monsters and experience the charm of classical mythological novels; Sometimes I accompany Meng Jiangnu on the journey of finding her husband, feeling the poignant determination and sighing at the power of true love... Traveling in the world of words, I feel even happier because I am a "good reader" girl.


There are various ways to read, and for me, I will read a book I like two or three times, make annotations casually, firmly remember the plot, and constantly share and communicate with classmates. During the reading process, I also make excerpts and write down my reading reflections. I always feel that this is the only way to accumulate more knowledge, deepen my understanding and appreciation. Sometimes, I also tell my parents about the exciting plot and vivid characters in the book, and recommend the good books I read to them, truly achieving "parent-child reading". Every time I finish reading a book, I will make a handwritten report when I have free time. Recommend this good book to everyone in this way, so that more students can fall in love with it. I think it is within the responsibility of my class leader to lead everyone in reading good books together.


My mother said that reading also requires a sense of ceremony, so she specially made two beautiful large bookcases for me, equipped with solid wood desks, comfortable seats, and warm and bright desk lamps. For me, the ritual of reading may be to arrange for myself to read for a while every day, and it has become as natural as breathing.

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Good books are like the runway of an airport, they can help our thoughts take off.


Reading more can make you feel that there is a lot of writing inspiration. It can help you use better writing methods. When writing, we often use good words, sentences, and life philosophies from books. Make others think you are more literary and beautiful.


Reading more can make you have etiquette throughout your body. As the saying goes, "The first impression is the most important." From the first impression you leave on others, you can let them see what kind of person you are. So reading more books can make people feel that you are knowledgeable and courteous.


Reading more books can help you gain more extracurricular knowledge. Mr. Bacon once said, "Knowledge is power." Yes, reading more books can increase extracurricular knowledge and make you feel full of power. This power can inspire you to constantly move forward and grow. From books, you can often discover your own shortcomings, which enable you to constantly correct your mistakes and steer yourself in the right direction. So, books are also our good teachers and friends.


Reading more can make you smarter and smarter to defeat opponents. Books make you smarter, and you can bravely face difficulties. Let you use your own methods to solve this problem. In this way, you have taken another step towards your own life path.


Reading more can also make your mood happy. Reading is also a form of leisure and entertainment. Reading can regulate the flow of blood vessels in the body, making you physically and mentally healthy. So exploring the ocean of books is also an infinite joy. Reading to relax oneself is also a very wise way.


Reading can cultivate ones character, impart knowledge and wisdom. So, we should read more books to lay a good and solid foundation for our future life path!

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Dad often says that reading more will increase knowledge and bring benefits. The teacher also taught that there are many benefits to reading, and in the end, there is only one sentence: opening a book is beneficial. But I dont know what good reading is and what role it plays in life.


But something over the weekend changed my perspective. The security guards in the residential community only receive a monthly salary of 1800 yuan. The day before yesterday, they were complained about by the homeowners for dozing off and faced the situation of being fired. Security work is heavy and arduous, with long working hours, but generally the income is not high. Is this caused by their lack of serious reading and low cultural level?


Dad told me that although there is no hierarchy in professions, it is undeniable that security guards engage in simple labor without much technical expertise. Taiwanese writer Long Yingtai once said to his son Andre: "My child, I demand that you study hard not because I want you to compare your grades with others, but because I hope you will have the right to choose meaningful and time-based work in the future, rather than being forced to make a living. When your work has meaning in your heart, you have a sense of achievement. When your work gives you time and does not deprive you of your life, you have dignity. A sense of achievement and dignity, give you happiness."


The knowledge wealth created by humans is like a vast ocean, vast and profound. If one always reads too passively, they often fail to appreciate the pleasure of reading. People who have achieved success both in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, enjoy reading and are good at absorbing nutrients from books, thus embarking on the path of success. Lets develop good reading habits and spend our lives with good books!










