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【1】2023年六级英语作文【5】2019年六级英语作文【2】2022年六级英语作文【6】2018年六级英语作文【3】2021年六级英语作文【7】2017年六级英语作文【4】2020年六级英语作文【8】六级英语作文 2023年六级英语作文



As we all know,mastering good basic knowledge is an important step that every student must go through in the learning process,and it is crucial for students to master any subject.Therefore,we should fully realize the importance of mastering basic knowledge.Heres why.

First of all,without a solid foundation,it is impossible to understand more profound theories of knowledge,and it is impossible to advance to a higher level.Take English learning as an example,if we do not have a solid grasp of English grammar and vocabulary,we will not be able to effectively understand literary works and understand higher-level English concepts.Second,just as a building needs a solid foundation to support its structure,our academic success requires a solid grasp of the basics.From personal experience,I clearly remember a deep understanding of foundatiohaf concepts paving the way for my success in challenging courses.Finally,no foundation,no progress.For the system of knowledge is interlinked,without a solid foundation,the knowledge systemwill be full of holes.

Therefore,I think it is very important for students to get a good basic knowledge.



Looking around, we may find many facts which can relect the value in the saying. Take Lihong as an example, she is not the traditionally typical youngster who would be considered beautiful. However, she keeps doing good routinely and insists in helping those in need. When mentioned,Lihong is always the exemplary model praised by everybody. To many acquaintances of hers, they think she is one of the most beautiful girls they ve ever met. In the case of Lihong, beauty of the soul is more essentially valued than that of her appearence.

To conclude, it is not the fashionable hairstyle, not the ex- pensive clothes we wear, but beauty of our soul that deter- mines how people see us. This reminds us agian of the value that beauty of the soul is the essential beauty.





People often say, “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today”. This saying reveals the enormous influence of acting in time on our future. The importance of doing our best today is beyond doubt, Ironically, it is easier said than done.

How we can focus best on today is a thought-provoking question. The following methods need to be taken into consideration. Firstly, such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to dream about the great tomorrow instead of doing what they need to do at the moment, which is absolutely mistaken. What we should clearly know is that it’s impossible for us to enjoy a better future without today’s hardworking. It might also be noted that it is the elaborate plans that can prompt us to finish what we should do today. Making plans should be a necessary habit in this completive and rapidly changing society. The last methods to be taken seriously is that the more we learn from other experienced and successful people, the more easily we can pay attention to the present and be down-to-earth and strive for practical results in our work Instead of going for ostentation.

Considering every method that has been discussed above, we can agree with the idea that it is high time that we took effective actions to do our best today. If we work on it from now on, in the near future, we will not be regretted for what we haven’t done today.








With the development of technology, people have become less dependent on each other, and more isolated. Community has become a forgotten concept to many people.It is a situation that needs to be restored urgently.

We all live in communities; no one is an island. So it is absolutely necessary for us to have a sense of community responsibility. There is a Chinese proverb that says: A far-off relative is not as helpful as a nearby neighbor. Take the following case as a good example: One afternoon, a residential building was on fire. At first, the fire was small and three school children found it. The first thing that came to their mind was not to run away, but to try to put out the fire. Unfortunately, their attempts failed.Then they began to climb up stairs and knock on doors in the building. Thanks to their courageous deed, no one was hurt.From this story we may learn that a sense of community responsibility is so imporant that it sometimes can save peoples lives.

Community responsibility can also be as simple as reminding your neighbor to shut the window during a windy day, but it definitely helps us to create a better community


我们都生活在社群之中;没有人是一座孤岛。因此,对我们来说,拥有社群责任感是绝对必要的。 中国有一句谚语说:远亲不如近邻。以下事件就是一个很好的例子:一天下午,"一幢住宅楼着火了。起初,火势很小,三名学生发现了火情。他们想到的第一件事不是跑开,而是设法把火扑灭。不幸的是, 他们的尝试失败了。然后他们开始爬上楼梯,并且一户接一户地敲门。由于他们的勇敢行为,没有人受伤。从这个故事中我们可以认识到,社群责任感如此重要,有时它可以拯救人们的生命。



Family is the most important unit of a society, and in Chinese culture,family has a position that cannot be surpassed by any other social living units. Thus, it is of great importance that every member in the family has asense of family responsibility.

Inside a family, each member plays his or her different but essential role.Everyone, including children, must bear family responsibility. Traditionally, men are often regarded as the bread earners.Women are assigned to do housework and child-rearing work. With the advancement of the society, more and more women are stepping into workplace, so it is equally important for men to share household responsibilities.With both parents working a nine-to-five job, it has also become a common phenomenon in China that grandparents shoulder the responsibility of looking after small children. As for children, apart from attending school, they should also betaught to help around the house.

Only in this way-each performs his or her own duty-can a family stick together and become the bedrockof the society.

家庭是一个社会最重要的单位,在中国文化中,家庭的地位是其他任何社会生活单位都无法超越的。 因此,每个家庭成员都要有家庭责任感,这是非常重要的。

在一个家庭里,每个成员都扮演着不同但又至关重要的角色。每一个人,包括孩子,都必须承担起家庭责任。传统上,男性常被视为赚钱养家的人。女性则被分配做家务和抚养孩子。随着社会的进步, 越来越多的女性进入职场,因此男性分担家务也同样重要。由于父母双方都有朝九晚五的工作,祖父母承担照顾幼儿的责任也已成为中国社会的普遍现象。至于孩子们,除了上学外,同样也应该教他们在家里帮忙。



Human beings are social animals. The society that we live in is made up of tens of thousands of individuals like you and me. Thus the importance of having a sense of social responsibility is self-evident.

In order to have an idealenvironment, each of us has to bear a shared responsibility. Take environmental protection for example, we all know that the Earth is becoming warmer and warmer due to the greenhouseeffect. It is high time for us to take action to reducepolution. Now many Chinese cities are beginning to enforce garbage classifcation regulation.Sorting waste into hazardous waste, recyclable waste, household food waste and so on is without doubt a troublesome task for everyone, yet it is our shared responsibility to support this move. And only by everyone ’s commitment can we enjoy a better environment.

All in all,a sense of social responsibility is what a citizen cannot live without.If we were fish, then society would be the sea we live in. Saving the sea is saving ourselves.






As the saying goes, when teamwork kicks in, nobody can beat you. It highlights the critical role that team spirit plays in completing a task. In my view, team spirit and communication are especially important in the workplace.

First of all, with the increasingly fierce competition between enterprises, in order to achieve the desired results, cooperation and communication among colleagues are particularly important because they can maximize work efficiency. Secondly, promoting team spirit and communication at work can ensure that everyone understand where the company is going and get them all actively involved in the development of the company. Thirdly, cooperation and communication at work can enhance the interaction between coworkers and form good interpersonal relationships, which is essential to build a friendly, cooperative, and harmonious working atmosphere in the enterprise culture.

To conclude, we cannot deny that it is almost always the joint efforts of a whole team that decide the success or failure of a project. Therefore, for everyone in the workplace, we should learn to cooperate and communicate effectively with team members, so as to achieve a win-win situation.





For college students, a harmonious interpersonal relationship, especially among classmates, can guarantee their healthy growth and development. And as for me, mutual understanding and respect is the key to building this harmony.

For one thing, college students come from all over the country and they all have their own way of life and customs, so when having conflicts with each other, only mutual understanding and respect can make both sides reach an agreement. If they can reach a consensus, it will be good for them to maintain long-term friendly relations. For another thing, mutual understanding and respect can make students more willing to learn from their teachers and classmates, thus making them study more efficiently, which is conducive to creating a harmonious learning atmosphere for classes.

In conclusion, mutual understanding and respect is the basis of good interpersonal relationships. Just as the saying goes, if you want to win the respect of others, you first need to respect others. Therefore, whenever you disagree with others, try to put yourself in their shoes and be more tolerant and understanding.





When it comes to learning, there is a famous Chinese saying which goes "Learning without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without learning ends in danger." Evidently, it is meant to tell us that learning methods are as important as hard work. I totally agree with it. Besides, I insist that in addition to diligence and methods, motivation in learning should also be paid attention to.

As for me, motivation is an indispensable part of learning, because without motivation, you wont start to learn at all. Even if you have started studying, without motivation that drives you to keep going, you may easily give up when faced with difficulties.

With motivation, we also need the right way to learn. In the learning process, hard work is not enough. If we dont attach importance to learning methods, we may fall into the dilemma of studying mechanically. Instead, with effective learning methods, there will be twice the result with half the effort.

In brief, motivation and methods are critical to successful learning. Therefore, only when we are clearly aware of this, can we achieve good learning results by making efforts.









Recently, the topic of the balance between academic studies and extra-curricular activities has been brought to public attention. We can find many examples easily: students’ study load makes them out of breath and leaves them no time for leisure.

If this situation continues to worsen, young people’s physical and mental status raises the alarm. Thus, it’s urgent to strike a good balance between study and rest/personal hobbies. For one thing, too much academic work gives rise to immunity deterioration, which causes many health problems. For another, free time/constructive pastime helps us live in a positive cycle.

Therefore, what we should do is to find enough time to develop our hobbies by finishing the homework on time and attending some beneficial activities off school. For example, regular exercise is a recommendable extracurricular activity to get relaxed.

By doing exercises your body can produce a hormone that makes you recover from exhaustion. What’s more, you can transfer your focus from busy study by attending a reading seminar , thereby getting your intense nerves calm down.”






Recently, the topic of the balance between work and leisure/hobby has been brought to public attention. We can find many examples easily: modern people’s workload makes people out of breath and leaves them no time for leisure/their interest.

If this situation continues to worsen, their physical and mental status raises the alarm. Thus, it’s urgent to strike a good balance between working duties and rest/personal hobbies. For one thing, too much work gives rise to immunity deterioration, which causes many health problems. For another, free time/constructive pastime helps us live in a positive cycle.

Therefore, what we should do is to find enough time to rest/develop our hobbies by finishing the task on time and arranging some beneficial activities off work. For example, regular exercise is a recommendable way to get relaxed. By doing exercises your body can produce a hormone that makes you recover from exhaustion. What’s more, you can transfer your focus from busy job by reading an interesting book or listening to a favorite song, thereby getting your intense nerves calm down.”





People often say, “All works and no playing makes Jack a dull boy.” In other words, excessive works are harmful to us both physically and mentally. Therefore, how to balance work and leisure is of significance in our daily life.

There are several measures which can make us achieve a balance between work and leisure. To begin with, it is advisable to make strategic decisions ahead of time. One should think of realistic goals to achieve at work or in the spare time, which can ensure the proper arrangement of ones time. Secondly, making efficient use of time is crucial in balancing work and leisure. After devoting enough energy in completing work assignments, one can get the difficult or important tasks done early. This helps guarantee oneself certain blocks of time to have fun.

Life is shorter than what you expected. We should bear in mind that balancing work and leisure is necessary for our health. Only in this way can we enjoy our life.






It is an undeniable fact that trust can lay a solid foundation for commercial activities. Therefore, building trust between employers and employees plays a crucial role in boosting an organization.

To begin with, as the saying goes, the best bosses understand the art of delegation. If a boss believes in his people and tries his best to delegate instead of micromanaging, this kind of belief can drive him to create an environment where employees would have more passion for work and work more efficiently. Next, with trust, employers and employees can achieve mutual consensus, build harmonious cooperation and have effective communication, which is beneficial to creating a pleasant working atmosphere. In this way, not surprisingly, the two parties can directly promote the rapid progress of the organization and indirectly spur continuous development of the individuals.

Taking into account what we have discussed above,we may safely arrive at a conclusion that it is sensible for both employers and employees to keep in mind that mutual trust contributes to realizing a win-win situation.





A good relationship between a teacher and a student can have a major influence on a kids development, and trust is crucial and indispensable in maintaining the relationship.

To begin with, only when a student believes in his or her teacher is he or she willing to learn from the teacher or look to the teacher for guidance and support. In reality, too many students are weary of study and even drop out of school only because they dislike their teachers, which may transform their whole life. Besides, a teacher who has the full trust of his or her students is more motivated to help them improve the consciousness and initiative of learning, which in turn benefits the students most. However, the credibility between teachers and students is not something that can be built in a day. On the one hand, teachers should comprehend the students actual demands and offer timely help. On the other hand, students should always be respectful to their teachers.

All in all, trust in a teacher-student relationship is a must to achieve effective teaching an learning.





Today, in the context of this era featured by increasing commercialization and digitalization, mutually-trusted relations between businesses and consumers appear to be particularly important.

As for me businesses should take a leading role in establishing the trust relationship: to be honest with their consumers.Firstly, if a business has a dishonest attitude toward its customers, the customers will lack purchasing confidence in its goods or services, which will bring huge economic loss to the business. Whats worse, the adverse side effect of such dishonesty can endanger the business and it is impossible to recover. Besides, because of the proliferation of counterfeit goods, more consumers lose confidence in domestic products,and then they have no alternative but to resort to foreign brands, which is one reason why cross-border online shopping is gaining more and more popularity in China.

Therefore, it is high time for us to strengthen the importance of maintaining trust between businesses and consumers to promote the healthy development of the whole social economy.








As human beings, we all crave the respect of others, which is coded into our DNA. If you show your respect for others, you are more likely to gain their respect. Just as the saying goes, "Respect others, and you will be respected". It indicates the great significance of respecting others in our daily life.

First and foremost, respecting others gives them confidence and encouragement, especially those who are not as good as you. Your respect can help them become upbeat and active, and even enhance their self-assurance. In addition, polite words help improve your interpersonal relationships to a large extent. As mentioned above, if your respect proves to be effective, people will show their respect for you, too, and it will benefit your social intercourse. Last but not least, respecting others is a symbol of high quality, which shows ones good upbringing.

Taking what has been discussed into consideration, its indisputable that all people are fond of being respected. It is so important for us to show our respect for others. Only in this way, can we earn the respect of others.





A host of facts in our daily life have proved that lack of understanding is a critical factor leading to disagreement among people, which makes it difficult for people to be on friendly terms with others. Thats why the phrase "mutual understanding" is emphasized. Just as the remark goes, "Seek to understand others, and you will be understood."

The significance of mutual understanding cannot be underestimated. On the one hand, mutual understanding serves as a prerequisite for learning progress, career success and happy life. If we understand each other and are willing to reach agreement, we can be empowered to summon multi-forces to grease the wheels of everything. On the other hand, mutual understanding is the lubricant of human relations. For those who wish to build lasting relationships and achieve civilized intercourse, mutual understanding is a foolproof strategy.

To sum up, mutual understanding is the basis of our relationships with others and we would be socially idiotic without it. To avoid this, all we need is our utmost effort to seek to understand others.





When it comes to the topic of help, we are frequently told that, "Help others, and you will be helped when you are in need." Simple as the saying is, it implies the importance of helping others in need. What I learn from the remark, in short words, is that helping others is helping yourself.

Examples can easily be found to make this point clearer. The story of the ant and the dove is a case in point. An ant slipped into the river when drinking along the river. A dove heard his cries for help and threw him a leaf, which helped the ant float back to the bank. After a few days, a hunter was raising his gun to the dove as she was building her nest. Seeing this, the ant ran quickly to bite the hunters leg. The dove heard the hunters scream and flew away.

All in all, this example indicates that when we offer our help to others, we are leaving a way open for the future. Helping others is a virtue, and we should take some measures to carry forward this virtue and do others a favor. Only in this way can we build a loving and harmonious society.






In recent years, an increasing number of students choose to attend college abroad, while some, financially challenging or not, still regard going to school at home as their first choice. It is obvious that this phenomenon has been the concern of many people. From my perspective of view, to study abroad has both benefits and drawbacks.

There is no doubt that students are benefiting tremendously from attending college abroad. Those who study at a world famous university can not only broaden their horizons but also gain better job opportunities. As exposed to foreign cultures and customs, overseas students can immerse themselves in the nation’s language. As to studying abroad, certainly, some drawbacks does exist. First, living away from home can be challenging and even frustrating to some extent. Moreover, the language barrier may cause difficulties for students whose language skill is not good enough. In addition, some students even experience culture shock in the alien environment as a result of unfamiliarity and maladjustment.

All in all, in order to achieve a colorful as well as meaningful experience in your life, students having the idea of studying abroad must be well prepared for all the possibilities they may encounter before making final decisions.





The heated discussion about the best choice in selecting the major:humanities or science has never stopped in the past few years. Opinions on the topic vary greatly among people. Some believe that it is a better choice to acquire knowledge in science, but others consider it better to dig into the humanities.

As for me, I totally agree with the former choice with the following reasons presented below. Initially, one of the most important reasons cited by people is that to major in science can not only improve ones logical thinking ability but also sharpen ones insight in daily routine, which is of great importance in ones growth. Additionally, acquiring scientific knowledge contributes greatly to one’s success in this world with rapid development of science and technology.

From my perspective, it is crucial that modern education should encourage people to be practitioners. Whats more, one of the most critical factors we should take into consideration is that people should understand the meaning and value of scientific knowledge. Only in this way can we achieve greater success.





With the flourish of education industry, modern students are faced with more alternatives to continue their further education. Both attending a vocational college or a university serves as two main options for the high school graduates. In terms of which to choose and what to be taken into consideration, I shall advise as follows:

Primarily, self-orientation matters the most when it comes to a issue like this. Obviously, the main task of vocational college is cultivating human resource with practical capability. Instead, university serves as the cradle of academic researchers in different areas. Therefore, being aware of your self-expectation with a clear future blueprint lays a foundation for this important decision.

Apart from what has been mentioned above, personal interest also plays a key role in it. For both passion and motivation are derived from interest, which not only decide how far you can reach academically and professionally but also how happy and fulfilled you will be.

To sum up, a clear recognition of self orientation and personal interest will decide whether you will tick the box of vocational college or university. Only in this way can we get the most out of the further education.






六级英语作文 1

Apunctual person is in the habit of doing things at proper time in a planned way and is always keeping his appointment. He knows that if he wants to succeed in his work and society he must observe regular or appoinled time. The unpunctual mall, on the contrary, seldom does what he bas to do at the set time. If he has made an appointment with someone, he never cares about the appointed time and is likely to be late for half an hour.

Unpanetuality is very harmful. Friends sometimes grow cold to wards each other, or even become enemies, because one of them has been remiss in keeping appointmems. Imagine how it would be if those who are entrusted with important tasks failed to be at their proper place at the appointed time. A man who is known to be habitually unpunctual is never trusted by his friends, his classmates or colleagues.

There is a proverb which says, "There is a time for everything." This is true. In fact time is life itself, and the man who really has a great deal to do is very careful of his time and is no doubt fond of punctuality.




六级英语作文 2

Online shopping has been a boon to many industries and companies looking to expand their markets. Also, its convenient for shoppers who are too busy to leave the house. However, in some cases nothing can replace a true face to face shopping experience.

Internet shopping is convenient for the mothers who spend all day doing house chores and for the fathers who work a full-time job. On the other hand, there are limits to shopping online, for example: guessing the correct size of clothing on a computer screen can be very frustrating.

For the busy mother and father, online shopping is a very useful and convenient tool. But, there are instances, like clothes shopping, where nothing beats the real thing.




六级英语作文 3

When it comes to a course that leaves the deepest impression in university, different people stand on different grounds. As for me, the most impressive course in college is “Appreciation of English Movies”, which I like best. I prefer this curriculum to others owing to the following factors.

On one hand, the professor in charge of this course has impressed me most because she is not only knowledgeable but also patient. More importantly, it is this respectable teacher who spurs my interest to English harder and broadens my horizon as well. Until now, what she said in the class often occurs to my mind. On the other hand, there are many discussions in the classroom when we have lessons. We are allowed to talk freely about a movie, the topic ranging from the theme of a film to its casting. So, during the talk, we become increasingly open-minded. And undoubtedly a brain open to everything carries great importance to study, work and life.

Generally speaking, the course on appreciating English films has impressed me most for it is not only instructive but also entertaining. And therefore, I suggest that more similar courses should be offered in the university.




六级英语作文 4

As is apparently betrayed in the bar chart above, at present university students suffer from psychological problems of various kinds, among which spiritual depression, miscellaneous problems, and suicide-committing top the list. What the chart reveals is indeed thought-provoking.

The implied meaning of the chart above can be briefly stated as follows. On the one hand, university students are encountering more psychological problems than ever before. The fact can be attributed to many factors. Most university students are overloaded with study and haunted by employment pressure. As young and inexperienced people, they are also facing emotional dilemma and trial of human interrelationship. Besides, some students are in a financial predicament. On the other hand, necessary psychological work for university student is a must for the time being. It is quite shocking that at least forty percent of university students suffer from spiritual depression. The very fact should not be neglected. Effective countermeasures must be taken to reverse the current grim situation. In sum, the psychological problems should be put on our agenda.

In my view, great efforts must be made so as to ensure the healthy growth of university students. To begin with, we must have a good understanding the necessity of psychological instruction and guidance among university students. Whats more, government departments at different levels and related organizations should make joint efforts to create a more relaxing environment for university students. Only in this way can university students develop well both physically and psychologically.




六级英语作文 5

At present, some colleges and universities permit their students to select lecturers of some courses by themselves. After all, some teachers are very boring and some required subjects are probably not very practical.

Several fundamental factors are considered when students selecting their lecturers. First and foremost, a good instructor should be able to interest and motivate their classes. Students will learn more quickly and thoroughly from a teacher who makes the subject matter come alive for them. What is more, an outstanding tutor should spend time and energy organizing and preparing the lessons.

Good as selecting lecturers is, it also has its own disadvantages. On the one hand, if students can choose their own curriculum, they can generally do better in subjects that interest them. On the other hand, given the high pressure to make good grades, many students will misuse the opportunity and naturally choose the easier subjects rather than the harder ones. It is high time that we attached importance to this issue.




六级英语作文 6

Failure is what often happens. It is everywhere in our life. Students may fail in exams, scientists may fail in their research work, and athletes may fail in competitions.

Although failure happens to everyone, attitudes towards failure are various. Some people don’t think their failure is a very important thing at all. So they pay no attention to it. As a result, they will have the same failure a period later. Some people think themselves are fools and lose their hearts in everything after they get a failure. Consequently, they spend their time and energy on useless things and they may really be fools as they have thought.

Other people are quite different from the two kinds of people mentioned above. Instead of being distressed and lost, they draw a lesson from every failure and become more experienced. After hard work, they will be successful in the end. It is said that failure is the mother of success. Success will be gained after times of failures so long as we are good at drawing lesson from our failures.

In my opinion, failure is not a bad thing, the really bad thing is taking a failure as failure or even lose our heart after failure.





六级英语作文 7

According to the picture, an employer turns down a job applicant, for his degree is less advanced than the other applicants, even though he has a good resume. Actually, what’s behind the cartoon is the tendency that employers focus on academic performance when hiring.

No one disputes that a college or higher degree opens doors. Despite that, as far as I’m concerned, academic degree should not be the primary criteria in selecting talents. First of all, academic degrees only represent the applicants’ proficiency in their school work, and cannot demonstrate their personality or other abilities. For instance, the responsibility of a human resources manager is to deal with people, and thus it requires advanced people skill which is by no means shown in the diploma. Second, emphasis on degrees may stall the development of the company. They will lose real talents if they judge people only by their educational background, while it is often the case that college drop-outs like Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, etc., run wildly successful enterprises.

Therefore, instead of running after applicants with higher degrees, companies shouldbecome more concerned about what it takes to do the job and what a college education actually provides.




六级英语作文 8

The Importance of Team Spirit and Communication in the WorkplaceAs the saying goes, when teamwork kicks in, nobody can beat you. It highlights the critical role that team spirit plays in completing a task. In my view, team spirit and communication are especially important in the workplace.First of all, with the increasingly fierce competition between enterprises, in order to achieve the desired results, cooperation and communication among colleagues are particularly important because they can maximize work efficiency.

Secondly, promoting team spirit and communication at work can ensure that everyone understand where the company is going and get them all actively involved in the development of the company. Thirdly, cooperation and communication at work can enhance the interaction between coworkers and form good interpersonal relationships, which is essential to build a friendly, cooperative, and harmonious working atmosphere in the enterprise culture.To conclude, we cannot deny that it is almost always the joint efforts of a whole team that decide the success or failure of a project. Therefore, for everyone in the workplace, we should learn to cooperate and communicate effectively with team members, so as to achieve a win-win situation.



六级英语作文 9

From this cartoon, we clearly see that the student is asking his teacher about whether or not he can use some tech support to figure out the problem in his math class. What’s behind the cartoon is the fact that nowadays students become increasingly dependent on technological devices to help them with their school work.

In my opinion, with the advances in technology, students can learn more efficiently. First of all, technology provides infinite resources for learning. When our parents were students, they could only learn from their teachers, while nowadays, we can learn much more from the Internet. Second, it’s more convenient to learn with tech support. For example, I got enrolled in a Spanish class in an online school called Hujiang Online Class. All it requires is a PC or a smartphone, and I can learn the lectures anytime and anywhere. Lastly, it’s more economical to learn online. Besides the courses, free Apps are also easily accessible.

As for me, tech support has become an important part in my daily study. I will continue to learn in this way, and I believe that we can learn more efficiently if we are able to utilize the technologies around us.




六级英语作文 10

There has been a heated discussion about whether to keep the College English Test Band 4(6) in the universities. Some people argue that the test has become an obstacle to the teaching of English on campuses, while others maintain that the advantages of the test outweigh its disadvantages.

As far as the first group of people are concerned, they give the following arguments. For one thing, many students spend most of their time preparing for the test, therefore their focus is not on learning English better but on getting a high mark. For another, many teachers don’t concentrate on how to improve the students’ abilities. They only care how many of their students can pass the test.

However, there are many people who believe the test should stay. To begin with, the test is the most effective way to measure how well the students have learned English. What’s more, we can come up with some ways to lessen the negative effect.

As far as I am concerned, each side is right in a certain way. We have to keep the test so students will have better motivation to learn English. However, we can’t attach too much importance to the scores of the test. After all, it is just a test, isn’t it?





六级英语作文 11

As college English education is greatly emphasized with the rapid development of global communication,tbe defects that exist in the current educational system are open to more criticism- It is widely acknowledged that a thorough reform of college English education should be under way.

People ask for English education reform mainly because of the Inadequacy of college English education under the current system. On the one hand, many college English teachers underestimate the role interest plays in English learning and keep preaching in class. On the other hand, under the current system, most Chinese students tend to separate vocabulary memorizing, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing from each other and therefore their English is also broken in this way. This has also greatly contributed to the dumb English of many Chinese students.

In my view, to reform English education, colleges and universities should encourage students to speak English in class and hold more activities to promote students oral English. Teachers should focus on attracting students with vivid teaching and arouse students enthusiasm in learning English. With the collaboration, the reform of college English education will surely yield plentiful] fits.














