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大学英语作文 1

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Good morning! I am Oscar, the spokesman of the Students‘ Union. On behalf of the Students‘ Union, the main organizer of today‘s sports meeting, I welcome you all to the beautiful stadium. After two months‘ preparation, our annual sports meeting is held on schedule.

Thanks to the support and help from our school leaders and teachers. Though they have many school responsibilities, they have taken time off to take part in our sports activities. Let‘s give them a big hand. Through sports, we can not only develop our physical prowess, but also promote social and emotional skills, and even intellectual skills, which will matter in our future lives substantially. So hope everybody here cherish this opportunity and enjoy it.

At last, best wishes for the success of the sports meeting and best wishes for the good results of our athletes. It is my pleasure to announce the open of the sports meeting. Thank you and good luck!

大学英语作文 2

One of the most important problems a young person faces is deciding what to do. There are some people, of course, who from the time they are six years old ―know‖ that they want to be doctors or pilots or fire fighters, but the majority of us do not get around to making a decision about an occupation or career until somebody or something forces us to face the problem.

Choosing an occupation takes time, and there are a lot of things you have to think about as you try to decide what you would like to do. You may find that you will have to take special courses to qualify for a particular kind of work, or you may find out that you will need to get actual work experience to gain enough knowledge to qualify for a particular job.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and help in making your decision. At most schools, there are teachers who are professionally qualified to give you detailed information about job qualifications. And you can talk over your ideas with family members and friends who are always ready to listen and to offer suggestions.

大学英语作文 3

When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C. If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected. Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built. It is not only of immense size, but is extremely accurate as well. Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. On the B.B.C. you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones are connected to the clock tower. Big Ben has rarely gone wrong. Once, however, it failed to give the correct time.

A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!

大学英语作文 4

Everyone has goals. Many people do not reach their goals for lack of planning. These three sets of goals should be developed: lifetime, intermediate and short term. Lifetime goals should be written out. These goals should be clear and reasonable. For instance, the goal to win a research prize is clear and measurable. Other lifetime goals might include publishing a certain number of influential books or articles, earning a departmental chairmanship at a major university, successfully competing for a grant from the National Science Foundation or securing a consultantship with a big corporation.

Intermediate goals relate to outcomes during the next few years. For the beginning doctoral student, intermediate goals may include completion of course work and preparation of a doctoral research proposal. Like lifetime goals, these are measurable and clearly stated.

Short-term goals involve outcomes expected during the next 12 months. These goals are more performance oriented, and they help with achievement of intermediate goals. Examples of short-term goals are earning an A in a course, learning how to program a computer or performing an experiment.

大学英语作文 5

A beautiful and healthy figure is everyone’s dream. However, not everyone can easily fulfill this dream. Overweight people often have to find precise ways to lose weight.

For normal healthy people, weight is gained by taking in more calories than the body needs. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you either have to eat fewer calories or find ways to use up more calories you take in. Dieting is probably the most popular way of losing weight, because when on a diet, you are taking fewer calories.

However, the body needs many elements in order to stay healthy, and “fad” or starvation diets are bad because they are not nutritiously balanced. A better way of dieting is to keep track of everything you eat, either by your own careful choices or by buying, for a week at a time, the packaged meals sold by some diet companies. If you do not normally exercise, you should also begin sensible exercises for your age and lifestyle to help your body use up surplus calories.

In short, a combined effort of reducing the calories you eat and using up more calories than usual through exercises should help you shed off part of your body.

大学英语作文 6

As a student, I have gone through many different teachers. Male or female, young or old,they all have their own characteristics. But one of them, Mr Wu, has left me a deep impression.

Mr. Wu is at his thirties,tall, thin. What strikes me most about him is his rich knowledge and sense of humor. Every time hes giving us a lesson, he makes it interesting.

He not only explains the knowledge in the textbook,but also tell us a lot of related stories outside. We never fall asleep in his class.

Whats more,he’s full of sense of humor. He never let one of his students feel embarrassed.

That’s why I like him so much.

大学英语作文 7

Hi,everyone! Im Cendy. I live in Nanhai. Im 13 years old. I am tall and thin. Now,let me tell you something about my family.There are seven members in my family. They are my grandparents,my parents,my sister,my brother and me.

My grandparents like reading newspapers. They are very old. They are always happy. My father is a businessman. He works hard. Hes not very tall but fat. He likes sleeping. Hes kind. My mother is a housewife.

She looks young. Shes strict to our study. My sister is a university student. She studies hard. My brother is in Grade Four. He is only 10 years old.

He likes playing computer games. Hes a naughty boy.I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home.

大学英语作文 8

All of us experience faihtre every now and then. A merchant may fail in his business, a clerk may fail in his duty, and a student may fail in his examination. Failure or the threat of faihtre is something that we have to live with all our lives.

Althoug, h some people will avoid failure at all costs, some people welcome it. Failure can be a good teacher. It always teaches us to be better the second time around. As they say, "The more you try, the more youll succeed."

There is some wisdom to be learned from failure. If we can learn to turn a failure to our advantage, we will have learned another secret to success. Failure is the mother of success and success that comes after failure is so sweet.

大学英语作文 9

When I was in middle school some of my classmates were smoking cigarettes.These classmates were both boys and girls.Another problem was the tendency toward vandalism and theft.

Although only a very few persons were involved in these situations.I often felt uneasy and unsure about their actions.We have been taught to strive to be good citizens and cultivate good character,but at such a young age it is disturbing.

Many adults smoke, yet young people today should worry about the possibility of cancer.Also people should know crime is bad and not rewarding,yet my classmates feel pressure from our society to cultivate another image.Perhaps now is the time both parents and teachers should spend more time talking to teenagers about the problems they are facing.

大学英语作文 10

I am a sophmore of Nanchang i want to introduce to you guys about my university.It has a long history back to the fifties of last century.

As it locate far away from the city center ,the most prosperous place,you may think the traffic is totally unconvenient,then you are wrong,instead of unconvenient ,there are a lot of transportation tools that will take you to where you want to go at any time.when it going to say about facilities and faculites,i will say they are excellent and helpful.I cherish friendship and like to make as many friends as i can and i found out that the students there are have a heart of gold ,and are hospital.So,thats my university,it is not the best one but i still love it .I can foresee that i will enjoiy my life on campus from now.

大学英语作文 11

People often say we have entered the electronic age. Computers have become the center of life. No one can live and work without computers. In the future, everyone can work and study at home before a PC. There wont be piles of files. Instead, a disc is OK enough.

With the appearance of printers, the pen becomes less useful than before. And since the computer was created, paper is also gradually giving way to the screen, which can show lively moving things from different sides in the same picture.

It is true that with the development of science, such products as computers and printers will be the major tools in our future life and work. But the traditional tools will also exist for a long time to supplement the func(tbc是什么意思?游戏魔兽世界的“燃烧的远征(World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade),未完待续 (To Be Continued),对叔丁基邻苯二酚(p-tert-butylcatechol),简称TBC;波音公司(The Boeing Company)。)tion of the modern ones. At least, we still need pens to sign with and paper to sign on.

大学英语作文 12

When students are going to high school, they are under great pressure,because their main goal is to enter the college, so they need to work so hard.

The school will test them so often that they want to get the best scores.Cheating on the exams is many students’ choice, as they could not do well on theexam, so they want to find the confidence by getting the high marks. Otherstudents even buy the exam answers, what they do is totally wrong. Frist, itwill cost students a lot of money on buying the answer, it refers to spend theirparents’ money, it is not easy to earn money. Second, the answers that studentsbuy are not accurate all the time, most of the answers are wrong, students areeasy to get cheated.

Students should work hard to improve their study.

大学英语作文 13

Nowadays on the one hand colleges and universities recruit a large number of students every year, on the other hand students will be in a more petitive labor market than before after four years study. But there are still many graduates go home without job.

With more graduates and less job opportunities, students are encouraged to start business on their own when they graduate from university. They can start anything they are interested in, make decisions on their own, and obtain the fruit of their own labor. Only by this way will graduates bee more independent, confident and creative.

However this process is supposed to get the support of government. So the government should provide these students with special policies, and lead them into a right road.

大学英语作文 14

Parents,teachers,even friends can put a lot of pressure on students to get good parents threaten to punish for bad grades or offer rewards for good makes most students think of cheating at some these kids also know that succeeding on a test by cheating is not really succeeding at all.

When students cheat,they are less likely to really understand their when you dont understand your schoolwork,your grades will probably suffer;cheating can only get you so bottom line is:If you dont learn it now,youll probably have to learn it later!An honest C will get you much further than a not-so-honest A. Face it:Cheaters never succeed----and pay a high price when caught.

So,thats why you ought not to honest and open about who you really youll one day find it so meaningful to your personal life.

大学英语作文 15

As an old saying goes,beauty exsists everywhere ,what we need is two eyes to find it seeing the bird flying in the blue sky ,we call it beauty,Getting close to the nature ,we call it the bus ,we see a young boy gives his seat to the old ,we smile and praise for his behaviou because at that time he is so we can call him can never forget the dancer Tai Lihua ,we witness the beaufy of the blind .The things above have one thing in common ,that is they are very harmonious ,harmonious with the nature ,soul and so forth .As for students ,we can also be beautiful not by dressing ourselves fashinable clothes but behavoring good manners .

So my dear friends,let us be beautiful persons together ,only in doing that can our society be more s do it from today.

大学英语作文 16

Nowadays, the emergence and rise of freeters in China has caught public attention.

Freeters are those who do not have any stable jobs and only earn money hen they are in need of it.

When they have adequate money, they usually do things at their pleasure.

The phenomenon of freeters shows that people can enjoy a flexible schedule nd live a desirable life.

However, there are some potential problems for them.

For one thing, they are always moving and changing jobs; as a result, their welfare can not be guaranteed.

For another, they are less likely to have a long-term career development because of too frequent change of jobs.

Last but not least, they are possibly not aware that what they do is kind of irresponsibility for their family and the society.

To my mind, the rise of freeters manifests social progress.

However,the scale of freeters should be controlled; otherwise it will cause problems.

大学英语作文 17

My station in university campus inch territory, breathes and feels a here freshness. The university life like this started.

The life four years time already the picture got down certainly has run the line, you along this path endless long journey, the university time will say regarding me will be fresh, the biography first time was far away the hometown, trod studies the road.

I to the university life am fuzzy, after investigates many times, everybody is two characters ----- is bored to the university life feeling, perhaps has that a reason! Three years high school life is such intense stimulates.

Recollected also a little is afraid, facing high schools intense sprint, diligently was admitted to a school dream of the university, everybody is the like this struggle, assaults the dream.

At the present, steps into the university campus, studies the life has had the bored feeling.

大学英语作文 18

Learning the English songs is one of the efficient ways to learn English. It can catch the students’ interest and the rhythm helps them to remember the words better. Most students learn English songs from the classic groups, like Backstreet Boys. While the group Westlife shares the same reputation.

In China, most young people have heard about the songs from Westlife. It is a group from Ireland and they got famous in the early 2000. At first, this group was made up of five handsome boys, but one boy left the group later. Their songs are lyric styles and are welcomed by the Asian fans especially. The songs like My Love and You Raise Me Up are known to all.

Westlife has created many records. They have the most champion songs for the group, which making them the most popular singers around the world. Every group will has its end day, so as to Westlife, they dismissed a few years ago. But today still a lot of fans remember them and hope to see them again.

大学英语作文 19

To read English books and magazines is one of the main purposes of English learning. If you can understand the contents, you will feel happy.

Many people want to improve their English through reading, so they begin to read all kinds of English hooks and magazines with high expectation. But many of them give up halfway because of some difficulties. What a pity! They lack persistence.

I have some suggestions to offer. First, they should pay attention to the reading materials they choose. Those materials should be not only interesting, but also not too difficult. Otherwise, it will be easy for the readers to lose heart. Second, dont consult dictionaries during reading. That will disturb you and make the reading boring. Last but not least, choose a quiet place to yourself. The environment is also crucial to reading, especially English reading. You have to concentrate your mind. Try these, and you will make progress.

大学英语作文 20

Nowadays, the life of university is very wonderful. the life of university once we dreamed is before us now.

My college life is so different from before . At weekends, I do a part-time job at the nearby supermarket. I need to experience the world outside, I need to grow up . From it, my get real improvement.

my study result is ordinary. And there are weak poor subjects. But I think I have to study hard. I believe: no pains ,no gains. I hope my future work is my favourite professional. More importantly, I know I have to do my work from grass-rootslevel. So, from now on, I hope I can have perseverance and courage to overcome the difficulties of life . I wont give up easily.

Normally, I most like to play basketball. With friend together day,i feel very happy.

Hope I can really learn knowledge from university to experience the career in future.











